HeLLO :)

HeLLO :)

HeLLO :)

I'm Sarah, a product designer based in NYC.
I explore ways to tackle complex problems through creative design.

As a graphic designer, I was all about the visible design. Nowadays, I focus on the not-so-visible design; how to make it seamless, effortless, and even more invisible.

I'm a generalist designer, meaning I'm just as happy leaning into research and ideation as I am pushing pixels in Figma. I believe in working smart over working hard, and am always interested in finding ways to apply emergent technologies to help users reach their goals faster.

Outside of design you can find me tinkering on the piano,  exploring sustainable living, or trying to veganize... everything.

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What am I up to lately?

Doing: NYT Crosswords
Learning: Spline 3D
Listening: Aqua - Aquarium
Watching: Abbot Elementary